Set in a post-apocalyptic world where the remains of humanity live behind walls protecting them from giant humanoid Titans, Attack on Titan follows protagonist Eren Yeager, along with friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert. Attack on Titan has also aired on Adult Swim's Toonami programming block in the United States. In North America, the series has been streamed on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Hulu. It has aired on MBS TV (first two seasons) and NHK General TV (third season onwards). The series premiered on April 7, 2013, and concluded on November 5, 2023. 'The Advancing Giant') is a Japanese dark fantasy anime television series, adapted from the manga series of the same name by Hajime Isayama. Attack on Titan ( Japanese: 進撃の巨人, Hepburn: Shingeki no Kyojin, lit.